WOD Thursday Feb. 12/09

(Thrusters and Box Jumps are not fun ... just ask Dylan!)

Two rounds for score of:

Tabata Squats 
Muscle-up for four minutes


No rest between finishing the squats and muscle-ups. This is a 16-minute workout with rest at 8 minutes. (4 minutes rest) Multiply lowest squat count for all eight intervals by the number of muscle-ups completed in four minutes for each round. Substitute 5 pull-ups and 5 dips for each muscle-up if necessary.

*Reminder that there will be no 5:30 Class on Friday as I am attending a gymnastics certification course this weekend*


Sandra said...

oh no!!!! I have to 'MULTIPLY'??

Anonymous said...

I'm noticing a disturbing pattern-
first it was 3 pullups then 4 now 5!!
I've got to learn how to do MU's

Sandra said...

Good Luck this weekend Andrew on your course.

Looking forward to hearing all about it on Monday ;) or should I say.... experiencing it in upcoming WOD's!

Andrew said...

Dawson - 18 Sq * 14 MU (Rx'd)
18 sq * 17 MU

Janet - 12 Sq * 4 MU
12 * 3

Sherri - 9 * 5
9 * 5

Sandra - 8 *2

Andrew - 15 * 7 (+20lb vest)
16 * 6

Pete - 17 * 12 (+ 10lb vest)
16 * 12

Cindy - 9 * 5
7 * 6

Ali P. 15 * 8
12 * 6

Kuuvel - 17 * 4
12 * 3

Tim - 18 * 4
16 * 3

Olga - 7 * 6
10 * 7

Dylan - 15 * 3
15 * 3

Kim - 23 * 43 (Burpees)
22 * 46

Perry - 18 * 4
15 * 5

Jessi - 16 * 5
15 * 3

Linds - 21 * 5
20 * 5

Ali - 16 * 4
14 * 5

Foisy - 13 * 3
10 * 2

Beth - 11 - 1
10 * 2

Serena - 16 * 2
14 * 2