WOD Wednesday June 24/09

(Great day!)

Sorry about the day late post - Hectic Day! If you Remembered your time from the hill run post it to the comments section - The low time went to Kirsten and Ingmar was a close 2nd!


7 Rounds For Time

Hill Run 
21 Burpees


Linds said...

Awesome workout yesterday everyone...I loved this WOD for some strange reason! Thank you to the Woodhouse ladies for making it possible for me to attend ;)

21:40 was my time

Sandra said...

Sweet blessing for Sherri - she kept track of my reps for me :)
Enjoyed your company in the car Linds :)

24:42 was my time

Andrew said...

Be careful Linds ... Don't take too many rides or you may end up in a cauldron over a hot fire, HAHAHA ...

Sherri said...

I agree with Linds--yeah, for some ridiculous reason, I LOVED IT TOO! Going to noon calss today, as I COULD NOT WALK this morning! My butt was DAMN SORE from that climbing! hahaha---great work everyone! More destination-WOD's please!


Linds said...

Andrew, its funny that you mention cauldrons..we just happened to stop by a witch's house on the way home :)

Sherri, I am with you on the sore butt! Any thoughts on today's WOD?!

Dawson said...

I REALLY wish I could have been there to run with everyone. Hahaha. Note the sarcasm???