WOD Friday July 3/09

(Lindsay and some sledgehammer fun!)

Today's WOD is in honour of Dan's birthday a few days ago! Don't worry Dan we didn't forget about you, you just tried to keep it a secret!


2 rounds of:

In 5 minutes run 400m once, then in the remaining time, do as many 95lbs push press as possible.

Rest 1 minute.

In 5 minutes run 400m once, then in the remaining time, do as many muscle-ups as possible.

Rest 1 minute.

Score is total reps. Runs don't count so get it done fast


Peg said...

Dan, I am SO sorry that I spilled the beans about your birthday. I tried to tell Andrew that you sometimes behave like a 6 year old in the hopes he'd keep reps low, but he's changed the rules about birthday WODs. Mea culpa, mea culpa.

PW said...

Please rain!

Linds said...

Love love loved today's wod, thank you rain :) Also, thank you Perry for being on shoelace duty!! Great job everyone...Enjoy your weekend!

Dawson said...

Congrats to Linds, Serena, and Andy for doing a third round on that workout today. Way to push hard. You three are truly an inspiration. Keep it going.

Sandra said...

I was watching a video about Jacinto a 69 year old trainer out of NYC Crossfit. Awesome role model

Who or what are firebreathers?

Quote from video
"He can hang with the firebreathers he can hang with the young guys and girls"

Anonymous said...

Google it on Urban Dictionary.com...I'm pretty sure that's NOT what they're referring too!

Linds said...

hahahhahaha Wow..

Urban Dictionary.com definately doesn't beat around the bush.. Straight to the(very dirty)point.

Sandra said...

that can't be right?!!
..... if it is ..... good grief!

PW said...


PW said...

The first was the real defintion....

This link brings you to another cf blog and defines it in relation to cf.....
