WOD Saturday December 5/09

(congrats again Harmer!)


3 Rounds

To be completed with a partner

Hill sprint

You do the number of squats that it takes your partner in seconds to sprint the hill.
(ex. 30 sec to sprint the hill and your partner does 30 squats)

*Great effort by all those that made it out this AM! - Ty, Andrea, Bob, Sheila, Kim, Michaela, Perry, Dawson!*

1 comment:

Dawson said...

Congrats to Bob for joining Foisy on the puke board. Kinda felt like I was back at work this morning. Did you have margaritas for breakfast??? What the hell would you eat that would make you puke pink?

Great work by everyone today on a tough workout. I want to know... Is Andrew beatable? He was an effing gazelle running up that hill.