WOD Friday September 18/09

(Has anyone seen this person? if so please contact me immediately!)


5 Rounds for time

Run 200M
15 Deadlifts (275#/155#)
Run 200M

2 Minutes rest between rounds

*There will be no 530 class tonight*


Dawson said...

Holy heavy Batman!!!

Martha said...

Hey everyone,
Good Luck this weekend and have a lot of fun!!

Kacey said...

Good Luck to everyone compeating this week-end!!

Sandra said...

Have a great week-end everybody, good luck!

PW said...



Dawson said...

Love the video Perry!

Just an update on how things are goin here in Mississauga.

After one event CrossFit Kingston sits in 1st & 9th place out of 25 teams. Everyone is kicking ass!

PW said...

Its a fantastic video..........yeahhhhhh buddy!

Good to hear, kick some more butt!! Seems to me that CFK is one of the premier CF's in Ontario!

Don't tell Burns I said that though, we all know his ego ;-)

Sandra said...

YEAAAA Crossfit Kingston, thanks for the up date Dawson.

Crystal said...

I lovable a man in a fanny pack. Delicious Ronnie:)