(Is he smiling or grimacing in pain? If you saw the aftermath of this row you know the answer!)


"Weightlifting Gone BAD"

3 Rounds for MAX REPS

Deadlifts (225#/135#)
Push Press (95#/65#)
KB Squat (24kg/16kg)
DB Snatch (40#/25#)
Weighted Step Ups (55#/30# - 20"/12")

One minute at each station for max reps with one minute rest between rounds


Peg said...



Linds said...

Let's all be honest here... Gorgeous Wod, and Pic.

Perry you can chirp all you want but you know it's true haha

Andrew said...

what is gorgeous about the pic? do you find jordan handsome linds? HAHAHHAHA

Linds said...

He certainly isn't hard to look at.

Crystal said...

I think Jordan was thinking "I am going to shiv Andrew Burns when/if I can ever walk again" haha.

Tim said...

Just canceled my 5:15 spot. Still sick! Sucks.. Have fun Kids.

Unknown said...

That was fun Andrew! Thanks!Bev did say you liked weights. I figure by next month I will progress to aactually putting weight on the bar...

Anonymous said...

By no means am I talking about Jordy, but shit Linds' standards arent't the highest...lol

Linds said...

Perrrryyyy if you want to chirp me you could at least admit that its you!