WOD Tuesday November 10/09

(Back Squat / Box Jump WOD)


5 rounds for time

200M Sprint
20 Push Ups
200M Sprint
20 Sit Ups

Rest one minute between rounds

*CFK Christmas/1 year anniversary PARTY - Saturday December 5th @ 8PM - Place to be determined*


Kacey said...

Well I'd love to go however Saturday September 5th has passed so I'm really screwed!! Ha Ha. I hope you all have a great time on Sat DECEMBER 5th!! I might drop in after the christmas party to have a drink with you all!!

Andrew said...

Sarah 2208 rx'd
Nevia 2518
Dan 2631
Kim 1902 rxd
Dawson 1806 rxd
erin 3210
Sandra 2220
El 2115
Jenn 2226
Linds 1927
Serena 1945 rxd
Crystal 2032
Kacey 2222
Jess M 2046
Andrew 1615 rxd
Pete 1658 rxd
Foisy 1849 rxd
Maria 2332
Heather 2352 rxd
Michaela 2748 rxd
Jessi 1926
Julia 2335