WOD Thursday April 30/09

("Swine Flu" Pull Ups)



1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

*Wear a 20 lbs vest for entire Workout*


Andrew said...

really?! no comments about the pic or the WOD? i thought both were amazing!

Kelcy said...

The workout was too good, we were too broken to leave comments.

And the picture left us speechless. Yep... that's why.

PW said...

All HAIL MURPH, he must have been quite the soldier!!

Andrew said...

Tracie 4004
Sandra 3813
Crystal 4224
Harmer 5537
Stella 4158
Ngan 4336
Kari Lyn 3404
Ellie 5626
Cyndi 4710
Kev 3754
Perry 5219
Kim 4805
Tim 5225
Olga 2938
Alix 4326
Serena 5307
Ali K 4646
Foisy 6013
Jess 5150
Linds 5034
Jordan 5114
Rory 4620