WOD Thursday May 8/09

(Dawson - CrossFit Games East Regional Qualifiers)


Snatch Grip Deadlift

AMRAP in 15 min


Thrusters (65#/45#)
CTB Pull Ups


Dawson said...

Very interesting powerlifting exercise. Can't wait to try it.

Andrew said...

you don't seem quite as excited about the AMRAP "FRAN" Dawson, haha

Dawson said...

You got that right. That WOD is really going to suck. It would suck just as the 21-15-9 but to have to go through it over & over again... Can you say MEGA SUCK?!?!?! My sinus headache just got worse.

Jessica said...

OMG just watched that link everyone was commenting on...holy rediculous batman...Im begging peter to don some electric spandex and go down there next weekend for a test trial...anybody else in..ahem andrew...know u like tight spandex on super pale and red haired men...bahahahah

Martha said...

(I posted this on the wrong day, Just wanted to make sure the 3 boys saw it)

I just wanted to say, I had so much fun at the Eastern Qualifiers. Dawson (Jeff) and Pete, you should hold your heads high-- you guys put on one helluva show!
As a beginner to crossfit it was incredibly inspirational and motivational to watch you guys push your way through some very challenging workouts and rough terrain. You guys definately took your performance to the next level and have given me the motivation to work harder and push myself through the workouts.
You guys rock my world, Andrew, you're included in that! I can only one day hope to perform my burpees with as much grace and fluidity as your one-legged version!
Ps. Thanks for having crossfit. It's been awesome watching everyone challenge themselves and push themselves to exceed their own expectations. Crossfit has helped me more than you'll know.

Andrew said...

awwwwwww ... thanks Martha! It is getting hard to continue being an assh**e in the gym when you are all so sweet ...

PW said...

Oh man, you're such a liar Burns, it comes by you naturally at the gym...lmao

Outside of the gym your a different guy, and those who know you well enough completely understand why!

....just keeping you honest, that's what friends are for right!

Martha said...

smartass/asshole Andrew makes 7am waaaay more enjoyable! I love it.

Andrew said...

So Martha I have figured out how Dawson is so good at CrossFit. He isn't human ... his "sweat angel" from 8AM today is STILL there! I took a pic to prove it ... AMAZING

martha said...

Hahahahahaha, sweet sweetness, can't wait to see it. I hope it hangs around until Monday morning.