(Not fun)


100 Man Makers

*Every time you break for longer than 1 second or any part of your body other than your chest touches the ground you must do a 200M Sprint*

There will only be a 9AM class on Monday September 7/09 (Labour Day)


Dawson said...

Holy sh!t batman!!! Are you nuts?!?!?! I'm guessing you, Andrew, will be partaking in this lovely event too. I can definitely hear a lot of F-bombs being dropped. I know I may drop a few. There will be a lot of sweat and tears shed tomorrow. And all weekend, well tears from the constant pain I will be in.

PW said...

Dawson....he better damn well be doing that WOD!!

Sandra said...

Andrew how come the boys are whining about the WOD?
- don't hear any whining from the girls!

Anonymous said...

Cause the girls rule!!!!

Dawson said...

Rob (30#) 18:18 8 runs
Dawson (40#) 19:24 9 runs
Ellie (25#) 20:29 8 runs
Tracie (12#) 30:25 9 runs
Sandra (20#) 25:24 7 runs
Kyle (20#/12#) 17:22 50 runs???
Harmer (40#) 22:36 8 runs
Jess (20#) 23:27 ? runs
Ingmar (30#) 25:35 11 runs
Vic (30#) 30:00 12 runs
Tess (12#) 26:25 9 runs
Karen (25#) 27:36 8 runs
Kira (20#) 23:41 ? runs
Evan (25#) 23:02 16 runs