WOD Thursday January 14/10


15 Clean and Jerks @ Body weight
Run 1979M (about 2km)
15 Clean and Jerks @ Body weight
1 "Special lift"

*Bring an extra pair of shoes to run outside - if you forget you are still running you will just be doing the clean in jerks in your socks/barefeet*

Just a quick reminder that Saturday classes count towards your weekly limit. If you are signed up for a 2X a week membership please only sign up for 2 classes a week, etc.. (including Saturdays)


Anonymous said...

What an amazing................person you turned out to be, Ginger!! Happy Birthday!

Dawson said...

Post WOD fuel WOMEN:

Above 16% - 30g PRO; 15g CHO
12-16% - 30g PRO; 25g CHO
Below 12% - 30g PRO; 40g CHO

Post WOD fuel MEN:

Above 12% - 40g PRO; 20g CHO
8 - 12% - 40g PRO; 35g CHO
Below 8% - 40g PRO; 50g CHO

Eat a balanced PRO, CHO, FAT meal approx 1 hour after the post-WOD meal.

(PRO - protein; CHO - carbohydrate)

Dawson said...

Happy Birthday G-Man! Can't wait to try your WOD. *note the sarcasm*

Ginger said...

Thanks for not making me look like a "Fanny Bandit" Mr. Walker!!

Dan said...

damn Pete didnt realize you styled your hair....u must be a hit on range walks....lol...

PW said...

Pete Pete Pete, it would have come out sooner or later...lol Happy Birthday (early) buddy!!

Sandra said...

Happy Birthday Pete!!!

my first 7 am class. . . . . . .
. . . . . I'm not awake enough yet to feel the pain!!
In a few short hours I'll be cussing this WOD.

Kacey said...

Perry your handy work always surprises me! Well done! Happy Birthday Pete!

Jessi said...

Happy Birhtday Pete!
You have helped me in many ways... I do not hope for all ginger's to get hit by buses anymore.
So, Thank you.

Perry you are a wizard!

Baddog said...

Amazing transformation Pete...Happy B.D. .....excellent work Perry!!

Mike said...

Not only is Perry a goon he's also the photoshop king!

Andrew said...

why does everyone assume these photos have been photoshopped?

Sandra said...

it's the photoshopped hair ..... a dead giveaway!!!

Miller said...

these pics are not photoshopped...trust me...lol
happy bday ginger...maybe some day youll become a daywalker...

Dawson said...

It's only the hair that has been photoshopped. Have you seen the guy without his shirt on? That's not photoshopped.

Ginger said...

Thanks for the b-day wishes folks...... I'm hoping to give Foisy a run for his money on the Pukie board this weekend, and there will be no WOD's involved!!

Dawson said...

Nevia (65) 23:31
Julie (35) 26:03
Sharon (12) 24:28
Stacey (35) 25:18
Sandra (55) 26:52
Linds (95) 24:10
Dawson (195) 37:58
Bruce (135) 25 cleans 33:33
Gill (55) 25:14
Vic (145) 29:06
Pete (180) 29:47
Andrew (180) 27:35
Kim (105) 24:15
Kyle (125) 21:25
Rose (105) 25:50
Beth (65) 25:04
Crystal (105) 29:17
Foisy (185) 29:07
Blair (155) 28:20
J Harmer (75) 27:00
Serena (65/75) 23:08
Karen (85/100) 23:38
Dan (??) 26:07
Sherri (??) 28:47
Chris (65) 23:04
Ty (145) 23:14
Sheila (65) 24:30
Ash (75) 23:30
jenn (65) 27:42

Dawson said...

Special Lift

Bruce 17 sec
Vic 29 sec (45 push ups)
Pete 16 sec
Andrew 39 sec (95 push ups)
Blair 25 sec (25 push ups)
Foisy 24 sec
J Harmer 22 sec
Dan 30 sec
Martin 12 sec
Ash 45 sec
Sheila 52 sec