4 Sets of
Deadlift 5-7 Reps (As heavy as possible to complete 7 reps unbroken in round 1)
rest 30 seconds
15 Parallette shoot throughs
rest 90 seconds
3 minute break
3 rounds of
3 min AMRAP of "Cindy"
rest 2 minutes between rounds
Cindy is 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats
Post WOD fuel WOMEN:
Above 16% - 30g PRO;10g CHO
12-16% - 30g PRO; 20g CHO
Below 12% - 30g PRO; 30g CHO
Post WOD fuel MEN:
Above 12% - 40g PRO; 10g CHO
8 - 12% - 40g PRO; 25g CHO
Below 8% - 40g PRO; 40g CHO
% = body fat
Eat a balanced PRO, CHO, FAT meal approx 1 hour after the post-WOD meal.
(PRO - protein; CHO - carbohydrate)
WTF is that? Priceless. Any takers? Perry? We all know you relationship with Serena is a cover up.
WTF is that? Priceless. Any takers? Perry? We all know "you" relationship with Serena is a cover up.
Dawson, Dawson...you see Graham in a provocative pose and the first thing that comes to mind is me?!?!
In fact...it seems it got you so excited, that as you frantically typed "your" you missed the R....hmmm, or was that because you were typing one handed??
In light of this new information adjustments will be made to your trainer profile :-)
Yes I thought of you right away Perry. I just don't understand why you have to hide under a cloak with a girlfriend. Everybody wants you to be happy and be your flamboyant self. Heck... you wear a Habs jersey!
As far as the 'r' thing goes... Well... Let's just say... Hmmm... Actually, let's not say. I do have some credibility to maintain.
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