WOD Thursday Feb. 26/09

(Some "skin the cat" fun)


"Nasty Girls"

3 rounds for time of:

50 Squats

7 Muscle-ups

10 Hang power cleans (men-135lbs, women-95lbs)

(Congrats to Mike "Nelly" Skeggs for getting his first MUSCLE UP today! Today's WOD is in honor of you EI, haha)


Anonymous said...

The name suggests that I should be good at this one. LOL However, the workout suggests tomorrow may be my last day breathing. We shall see who prevails :D

PW said...


Andrew said...

hahaha ... that is to both comments

Andrew said...

All WOD'S done with MU progression (Mike completed ALL 3 rounds of 7 MU Today after getting his FIRST MU yesterday! Great work !)

Crystal - 12:50
Kelcy - 18:21
Sandra - 19:51
Sherri - 11:11
Janet - 14:39
Dylan - 14:54
Tim - 14:07
Perry - 14:23
Kirsten - 14:52
Alix - 15:40
Linds - 11:11
Jessi - 10:30
Foisy - 11:30

and finally I am glad everyone loved the Tabata sit ups to finish off .. especially the 7:15 group and the half way up "rest" position!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that 'loved' is the right word haha