WOD Wednesday April 29/09

(Dreaded KTE!)


2 rounds of:

100 yards
80 yards
60 yards
40 yards
20 yards
10 yards

*Rest 30 seconds between sprints.
*Rest 2 mins between rounds.

Post sprint times on last round.


Max Height Box Jump *Go until you have 3 misses*


Sandra said...

max height box jump ... nooooooooooo.... anybody want to barter their WOD?? I'll sprint you jump? :)

Alison said...

i think I have swine flu...

Kim said...

I think I will bring my soccer shin pads for this one!

Andrew said...

Maybe we can start calling this the whine/complain posting area? I know my sensitivity and concern for everyone's well being is what motivates all of you to keep coming back ;)

Andrew said...

Ali, I have been talking with the members and because you work in the hospital which is obviously contaminated with "SWINE" you must now workout in your "OR SCRUBS" ... and please try not to breathe while in class ... Thank you from all the members

Kelcy said...

Great workout this morning!! Walking up the stairs to work has never been such a chore. haha GO BOOTCAMP!

Dawson said...

Kelcy... We're in the 21st century. There's something called an elevator. Great invention. Not only does it save time but energy. You should look into it. Hahaha.

Andrew said...

I am not sure if Dawson is becoming a product of his environment but the increased sarcasm is becoming evident and quite funny to be honest, hahaha

Sandra said...

Dawson ..... finally got around to trying the Zone Pumpkin muffin recipe you posted April 16 ..... they are quite tasty ..... thanks for sharing the recipe.

Kelcy said...

LOL @ elevator... no crossfitter worth their salt would ever give the stairs the satisfacton of winning :p

Andrew said...

Well Said Kelcy!!

Max Box Jump

Shannon 31"
Crystal 33"
Ingmar 37 1/4"
emily 31"
Ash 40.5" (Female Gym Record!)
Kari-Lyn 35"
Janet 35"
Alix 32"
Jordan 49"
Tim 42.5
Perry 45"
Andy 45"