WOD Friday August 21/09

(Happy 30th Birthday Martha!)


5 Rounds for Time (95#/65#)

12 Thursters
9 Deadlifts
6 Back Squats

Bar can not rest on the ground - 1 min rest between rounds


Anonymous said...

Good God people!!! Stop telling Andrew your birthdates!!! My body can't take the punishment much longer!!

Dawson said...

I guess I should wish Martha a happy birthday. Happy birthday Martha!!!

Sandra said...

Happy Birthday Martha
I have no comment on todays WOD I'm too tired to talk :)

Dawson said...

Too tired to talk??? Are you one of those special people that talk into your computer and it types the words automatically for you? That's cool. That laziness in its finest. Hahahaha. Sign me up!!!

By the way, it was great chatting with you at Starbucks. Not too often we get to chat.

PW said...

Happy Birthday Martha!!

Dawson said...

Perry... we were talking about you this morning. I can't remember exactly what it was about but it was funny. Hahaha.

Martha said...

Hmmm, laziness at its finest...I know someone who claimed that crown years ago...

thanks for the b-day wishes, hard WOD and booze at 8:00am. Perfect start to the day, should be every day. Andrew, thanks for the latte, quite delicious! Something new to celebrate the end of life as I know it.

martha said...

ps. I'm sorry for ever being born!!

Jessica said...

there is going to be a spot open int he 530 class tonight...cant make it in!! HAPPY birthday martha!!

Andrew said...

Mel 2827 rxd
Landon 3321 rxd
Nevia (45#)
Ingmar 3542 (75#)
Ashley 3650 (rx'd)
Martha 4100
Jordyn 3107
Sandra 3114 (35#)
Tracie (45#)
Harmer 34:18 rx'd
Rory 2725 rxd
Mike 2552 rxd
Jordan M 2532 rxd
Andrew 2446 rxd
Beth 3308 (45#)
Karen 2830 (35#)
Kutay 2757 (65#)
Tess 2746