WOD Wednesday August 19/09

(Not a fun day for some!)

CrossFit Total

3 Attempts at a Max lift in

Squat 1-1-1
Press 1-1-1
Deadlift 1-1-1


Anonymous said...

Dawson - I went to Bulk Barn after speaking with you during Friday's WOD & picked up some walnuts. Such a simple change made a world of difference :) Thanks for taking the time & great suggestion - much appreciated!

Dawson said...

You are welcome. Definitely try an assortment of nuts (i.e. almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, pecans). Limit your servings to 1 ounce per meal/snack. Over indulgence will make a person put on weight. Each nut provides its own unique nutrient/benefit as well as being plentiful in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. However, moderate intake of peanuts is key. Not only do they contain beneficial qualities, there are also some negative effects they exert. But the pros far outweigh the cons. I did some research on peanuts back in June and posted what I found on my blog (http://dawson-3-2-1-go.blogspot.com) dated July 3. I will be doing similar things with other nuts.

Dawson said...

Great work by everyone at the 0800 class!!! Some PR's were lifted. Most notably "Mr. Photoshop" or "Sh!t Disturber" Perry Walker. He made a whopping 20-lb jump in his deadlift. Friggin awesome!!! Not bad for someone with a petite frame. Hahaha.

PW said...

Oh shit...that made me laugh out loud Dawson!!

Andrew said...

Dawson 945
Kim 535
Peg 460
Sandra 285
Ingmar 475
Ash 435
Perry 745
Andy 665
Sherri 440
Crystal 535
Karen 475
Jamie 870
Beth 465
Tim 520 (no press)
Ginger 795
Serena 315
Brandon 1050

Andrew said...

hahaha ... "Petite" Perry Walker ... has a very nice ring to it!

PW said...

You're gonna have a nice ringin' in your ears and see little white birdies circling your cranium!!

Dawson said...

I heard that guys with your kind of frame enjoy the lighter things in life like birds and the colour white.

PW said...

Oh you're chiming in again ehh D-Man.

I can't think of a good come back right now...you've won this round!