WOD Monday September 20/09

(Amazing effort this weekend everyone! Very proud of all of you and how you well you represented CFK!)



Toes to Bar
Wall Ball
100M Sprint


Dawson said...

Congrats to the crew that pushed themselves to their limits and beyond this past weekend. Outstanding!!! Teams finished 2nd and 7th. Way to represent. I was proud to be wearing a CFK t-shirt that day and proud to be cheering everyone on.

Every person at this gym, whether you know it are not, is a great athlete. I would be proud to participate in any event with any of you. Keep up the hard work!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice work folks. Its a credit to all your hard work at the gym and at the table.
Really impressive.

Serena said...

Wow that is amazing! Congrats to everyone who participated!!

Andrew said...

Sandra 2046
heather 2510
lori 1830
Janet 2108
Ellie 1830
Kelsey 1522
Taylor 1608
David V 1105
Jess M 1001
Beth 1341
Serena 1612
Harmer 1512
Linds 1524
Karen 952
Pete 1046
Andy 1419