1 Handstand Push Up, 1 Muscle Up, 1 Burpee
2 Handstand Push Up, 2 Muscle Up, 2 Burpee
3 Handstand Push Up, 3 Muscle Up, 3 Burpee
Continue sequence for 20 min
There will a regular class on every other Saturday starting this Saturday at 10AM. I will be adding it to the Zen Planner Calendar today.
Push Up/Pull Up
Nevia 11
Tracie 10
Sandra 10 + 1 Burpee
El 9 + 2 Burpee
Kira 10 + 9 Burpess
Mel 11 + 4 Burpees
Ngan 10 + 7 Pull Ups
Laura 10
Jess M 10 + 4 HSPU
Rory 14+3 Burpees
Em 10 + 1 Pull up
Linds 11 + 11 Pull
Jess 12 + 1 Pull
Tim 10 + 5 PU
Jen 10 + 5 Burpee
Kim 10 + 10 HSPU
Dawson 7 + 4HSPU
Andrew 8 + 4 HSPU
hurrah for saturday wods!! wooo
Saturday WOD's - I'm so happy!!!!
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