Workouts will be chosen randomly at the beginning of each class!
P.S. 6:15 Class you ALL left your bands up so please do your 25 BURPEES when you come in for your next class!!
Please be sure that you are signed up for tomorrow's saturday WOD if you plan on attending. If you aren't registered there won't be space as it is a team WOD. Thanks in advance!
hahaha glad I'm not a 6:15 er
Great job by the 0700 class. They picked 2 difficult & rarely performed movements. Way to take it right to the end.
3 rounds
30 CTB pull-ups
30 Ring dips
30 Box jumps (24"/18")
30 Squats
Nevia 26:56
Dan 29:28 (push press & push ups)
Mike 28:38
Linds 29:56
Martha 26:08
Sherri 29:56
All I have say is wow! What an awful combination. Kudos to Sandra and Ellie for sticking with it. Great form. Great stamina. And even better determination. Great work ladies!
3 rounds
30 thrusters (65#/45#)
30 push ups
30 sumo deadlift high pulls (45#/35#)
30 double unders
Sandra 25:04
El 22:15 (Rxd)
I thought 7:00 was bad. I think I'm almost glad I went early today. Yuuuuk!!!!!!
Thanks Dawson and El for your encouragement - I'm still numb!!! At least we didn't have to do box jumps:)
and . . . Thanks Martha for counting for me :)
you pick the Tabata next time?
Do you know what the hours are going to be over the holidays?
I wrote it on the door last night Crystal....
closed Dec 24/25 and Jan 1,
Dec 31 reduced classes
(morning and afternoon classes only)
You should have written it in the puke bucket, I might have seen it. :(
I love it Mike...I hope that your name made the board..lol
Now get your butt to hockey, I've been stuck playing with your partner.
Haha! I didn't quite make the board but it was touch and go on the drive home. I had to keep the window down a bit. :)
I'll definitely be at hockey next week. Last week was unexpected. At least playing with my partner keeps you on your toes.......ya never know where he'll be!
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