WOD Monday June 28/10


10 RM Front Squat

"Death by KB/DB Snatch"
  • At the beginning of minute one you will do one snatch with each arm
  • At the beginning of minute two you will do two snatches with each arm
  • You will continue this until you don't complete your reps in the minute.

*CFK had an AMAZING weekend at the Element CrossFit Ontario Challenge this past weekend. 

In the Women's scaled division:
Jessi Lamorre - 2nd place
Vicki McConnell - 4th place
Beth Fraser - 9th place
Jules Green - 10th place

In Women's Rx'd:
Ashley Wemp - 13th place

In Men's Rx'd
Jeff Dawson - 6th place

All the divisions were VERY competitive and I speak for all of CFK when I say congrats and we are proud of all your hard work this weekend!


Tom said...

Nice work everyone.

Jaime said...

Good job everyone!! Way to kick some butt!!! ;)