WOD Wednesday July 28/10

(CFK LOGO? Yes? No? post thoughts to the comments section)


Part A

4 Sets of
Pendlay Row X 10
rest 45 seconds
Pistols X 10

Part B

4 Rounds for time
250M Row
10 Hollow Rock
10 Toes to Bar


Anonymous said...

I'm not in love with it.... But I don't hate either. It's a little vanilla. As in plain.

Unknown said...

Post WOD fuel WOMEN:

Above 16% - 30g PRO;10g CHO
12-16% - 30g PRO; 20g CHO
Below 12% - 30g PRO; 30g CHO

Post WOD fuel MEN:

Above 12% - 40g PRO; 10g CHO
8 - 12% - 40g PRO; 25g CHO
Below 8% - 40g PRO; 40g CHO

% = body fat

Eat a balanced PRO, CHO, FAT meal approx 1 hour after the post-WOD meal.

(PRO - protein; CHO - carbohydrate)

Examples of CHO @ ~10g:
approx 2 oz sweet potato or yams

Dan McD said...

It is OK but it does not jump out at you. I would prefer a logo that is more aggressive.

Jessi said...

Nice, but I agree with Dan's thoughts on having a more agressive logo..

Jaime said...

Ditto! Somehow it doesn't capture what Andrew's doing at the gym - needs to be more dynamic!

Andrew said...

How about we write "learn your fucking lifts" on the KB? hahaha ... that would be aggressive and inviting at the same time? thoughts? lol

Beth said...

How about - Good job!! You've learned your fucking lifts! Because we're getting better right Andrew!

Andrew said...

As much as I love the simon says lifting game I feel it may end soon as people are getting REALLY GOOD at them!

I have decided it will end when we have had a PERFECT DAY. Meaning no mistakes on any lift in any class!

PW said...

I'll make a few more variations to appease the who feel the need for aggression.

Any thoughts to make it more aggressive are welcome....skulls, fire??

Dan McD said...

I tried a google image search for "Crossfit Logo" to see the style others have used.

I liked the Crossfit Smash logo. The paint splatter effect looked cool.

Their website is here:

Anonymous said...

In the center, a pile of corpses with kettlebells lodged in their skulls. To the right, Andrew swinging a bloody Olympic bar above his head and screaming. To the left, Perry, Peter, and Dawson wearing spiked collars and heaving the corpses into a bonfire.

I'd buy a shirt of that.

Jen F. said...

I don't think it's strong enough, either. On a quick poll of some peeps who don't know what a kettleball is, it looks like a weird kind of bowling ball or one of those "balls that you bounce around on, with the handle" [direct quote], which may have some confusing CFK with a bowling alley or pilates studio. I assume AB would like to invite interest in CFK to those currently outside the workout world. In other words, maybe not the right trade symbol....just food for thought...:) Jen F.

Jen F. said...

Not that those little bouncy balls wouldn't be fun at the gym...:)

Mike said...

Logo's don't necessarily depict what the business is. I like the logo but its a bit soft.

Andrew said...

Mike? is it the long lost Mike McKale?!?!

Crystal said...

So, I just googled crossfit logos and there are a lot of logos with kettle bells. Maybe something with grafitti/tattoo imagery to make it look a little more hardcore. Some type of military imagery (ie. not like ak-47s or anythign) maybe a cannon or something as Kingston is known as a militry town. Just throwin' out some ideas.

Mike said...

Sorry to disapoint Andrew it wasn't me in the earlier post. But it is me now. I'm looking to September to be back. Now man up that logo!

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