WOD Thursday October 14/10

(Imagine this photo with Cory in tights .... because it is cold out ...)


4 Sets

Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats 
(@ 65%)

2 Position Clean (Mid/Hang) X 2

AMRAP in 8 min

Row 250 M
3 Rounds of : 5 Pull Ups
                      15 Hollow rocks


AMRAP in 8 min

21 KB Swings (Russian)
10 Burpees


Unknown said...

Post WOD fuel WOMEN:

Above 16% - 20g PRO;10g CHO
12-16% - 20g PRO; 20g CHO
Below 12% - 20g PRO; 30g CHO

Post WOD fuel MEN:

Above 12% - 30g PRO; 10g CHO
8 - 12% - 30g PRO; 25g CHO
Below 8% - 30g PRO; 40g CHO

% = body fat

Eat a balanced PRO, CHO, FAT meal approx 1 hour after the post-WOD meal.

(PRO - protein; CHO - carbohydrate)

Examples of CHO @ ~10g:
little more than 1/2 cup apple sauce
approx 2 oz sweet potato

Sarah said...

(And then imagine him running!!!)