WOD Wednesday October 6/10


"Partner WOD"

Big congrats to Dawson for making into the 500lbs Deadlift club today with a PR 501# pull!
Adrian Haird added to his already impressive lift and pulled a 511# Deadlift. Strong work boys!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments yesterday. I surprised myself. Although technically the lift shouldn't count because I dropped the weight from the top instead of following it down. I was just so shocked/excited that I lifted it.

El... I would say nutrition had a huge roll in the lift. The frequency of training & great programming by Andrew contributed. FYI... No shoes when deadlifting. I go barefoot.

Matt said...

Congrats to all of the others who set personal records/bests yesterday. I saw a lot of names on the board, especially for the ladies!

Unknown said...

No Rep!