WOD Tuesday January 11/11

(New Logo? post opinions etc to comments section please!)


Front Squat 5 X 3

A - 

 5 sets

2 Clean and Jerks (@ 70%)
rest 30 sec
15 KB Swings
rest 30 sec

B - 

Every minute on the minute for 10 min 

7 Pull Ups
10 Shoot Throughs


Unknown said...

I like the new name. I like the new logo. Do it up!!!

Matt said...

Looks great!

Sandra said...

Great idea!
I like the name and concept!

Jessi said...


Unknown said...

Keep it in your pants Jessi! Hahaha

Unknown said...

i like it. looks good.

Kacey said...

I love it....what to do all the old shirts that have crappy crossfit Kingston??? Do it up!

Unknown said...

Get Andrew to sign them. Better yet, so they would be worth more, get Perry to sign them as well. Then frame them and admire that PW signature in particular. Over time the shirts may be worth $29 each. It's a win-win situation. You may make a few cents to a few bucks and you have the infamous PW signature!!!

Kacey said...

Great idea Dawson!! I think I have a shadow box to put them in to keep them forever!!

PW said...

Great looking logo, I changed the blog up a touch to incorporate the colours.

b-rad said...

i kinda just like it as crossfit kingston.