WOD Tuesday June 7/11


Clean sequence (60-80%)

4 Rounds - 45 sec work - 15 sec rest at each station

Paralette Pass Throughs
Power Cleans (135#/85#)
Tire Flips (225#)


Unknown said...

Kezia always having to be dramatic. I thought only people who trained hard could rest their hands on their knees :) Hahaha

Kezia said...

haha!!! Maybe if I took my shirt off like someone I know every time the going got tough I would have more creditability around the gym hahaha

Andrew said...

you may also gain credibility by spelling the word "credibility" correctly ...

Unknown said...

You're more than welcome to take your shirt off any time!!! Hahaha.

kezia said...

Hahaha!!! Pretty sure no one is gunna give a shit how I spell things if I take my shirt off haha!!! Also, just for fun... I do have an honours degree in English :s hahaha!!

Unknown said...

I wouldn't brag about that too much Kezia. Hahaha.