WOD Tuesday December 20/11

This festive picture was approved by Ken Anderson and Emma Vaughan

*Christmas hours - Regular hours this week - will check with Jess and Vicki about a class/kids class on Sat? - CLOSED MON 26 and TUES 27*

Stay tuned for New Years hours - will likely depend on the extent of the trainers hang overs


Power Snatch X 2 X 7 @ 60-65%

A - 5 sets
Deadlift X 3 @ 60%
Shoot Throughs X 20

B- 10 min AMRAP
Pull ups X 5 (Strict) X 10 (with band)
Row 150M

1 comment:

Vicki said...

CF Kids will resume in the new year starting:
Saturday, January 7 2012