WOD Friday Feb. 13/09

(Very nice thrusters Linds!)


Complete 5 rounds for time of: 

Hang squat clean/Push jerk 95 pounds, 15 reps
Run 400 meters

*Reminder - There are no evening classes tonight*


Andrew said...

Kim - 17:42 (65# Squats)
Jeff - 17:43 (95# squats)
Sandra - 31:30
Crystal - 4 rounds
Tracie - 31:19
Janet - 28 :37
Sherri- 33:46
Dawson- 25:44
Justin 17:28 - 3 rounds
Kyle - 20:00 - 3 rounds
Suzanne - 22:54
Stella - 23:03
Andy - 25:40 (400M Row)
Pete - 32:23

Andrew said...

Preston - 26:38 (400M row)

Dawson said...

Way to push hard everybody! It was a tough workout. Alot tougher than I thought it was going to be.

Andrew... Have an awesome time in Oakville this weekend. Look forward to learning what you were taught.

PW said...

Good work on the row Presto...lol

Sandra said...

Thanks Kim for running with me on my last 400 meters. I felt I was on my last legs "literally" - great support!
- tough WOD.

Sherri said...


-have a blast! Can't wait to hear/see what you learn!!!!


THANK YOU for saving my last round. I honestly would have walked it--I know I would have. You made me run it--AND give it a big blast at the end! Awesome---I SO appreciate all of the help and encouragement!!!!!! That is solely the reason I finished up that fast...

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

Crystal said...

Did Justin and Kyle have busted butts too?

Crystal said...

Andrew -
I have to cancel my res. on Monday morning. Rebooked for Thurs. morning.

Andrew said...

crystal ... you are able to go on and cancel up to 24 hrs before the class ...