WOD Monday Feb. 16/09

(Pete working the iron cross ... pretty strong for a ginger)


"HELEN" (Kind of)

400 M Run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups (Dead Hang)


Dawson said...

Today's pull-ups were torturous. OMG!!! My elbows and forearms are now starting to feel better.

Thanks for putting Pete up instead of my graceful fall. Pete you make that look too easy.

Dawson said...

For those of you who don't know or have forgotten. An easy way to keep track of your results without having to flip through pages upon pages in your books is the following website:


Check it out.

Andrew said...

Olga - 12:11
Sandra - 14:09
Dawson - 12:18 (Rx'd)
Sherri - 14:56
Jeff - 18:00
Ali P. - 13:39
Ali K - 13:58
Andy - 15:23
Serena - 15:23
Shannon - 16:21
Beth - 25:10
Linds - 12:16
Foisy - 21:11(Rx'd)+20 burpees for not listening ha
The Ginger-12:18 (Rx'd)

Anonymous said...

yes...yes he is...for a ginger...lol