WOD Tuesday Feb. 24/09

(Inverted Burpee workout!)




Amazing effort by everyone yesterday on Total #2! It was the first time doing the "O" lifts for many of you ... great work!


Dawson said...

Hey Andrew How come you didn't put your 405# deadlift on the website??? You are the machine.

Sandra said...

yes, how come? congrats Andrew that was great!!

Andrew said...

A lot of what I do pales in comparison to what you guys/gals do everyday! Keep up the hard work everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,

I still can't seem to figure this schedule thing out but I plan to come for the 1730 class today.

Andrew said...

kirsten ... you still have signed up ... you have to sign up and get a user name and password. After you do that i will get a notice you have completed that step and i can add you as a gym member. Please try to do this today if you can! thanks!

Andrew said...

sorry kirsten .. that should say you still have NOT signed up ...

Andrew said...

Pete - 12:32 STK
Foisy - 18:36 BU
Sandra - 10:41 KTE
Tracie - 11:26 KTE
Sherri - 10:55 KTE
Andrew - 8:01 STK
Rory - 11:05 BU (20LBS VEST)
Kuvvul - 9:21 BU
Kirsten - 8:27 KTE
ALix - 10:21 KTE
Dylan - 10:40 KTE
Tim - 10:50 BU
Kim 11:51 GHB
Ali K - 9:18 KTE
Linds - 9:02 KTE
Jessi - 9:04 KTE

David said...

17:46 as rx'ed

Dear god, my fore arms don't work anymore. I saw this and figured I had to try it.

Now the challenge will be to see if I can hold onto a beer tonight...

Andrew said...

hahaha .. I couldn't agree more Dave ... destroyed the forearms