WOD Tuesday March 24/09

(Not happy ... very happy!, haha - and I may have just lost a member by posting the above pic ;)



5 Rounds for Time

400M Run
15 Overhead Squats (95#/65#)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG SHANNON ROBERTSSSSSSON! lol!! lookin hawt as always miss you kid hope you are having fun at cfit kingston...im doing it out east and its pretty intense! one love

Andrew said...

I think i know who "anonymous" is ... and I am pretty sure she wants to kill me.

Sandra said...

I'm not a fan of "NANCY"
ouch- hahaha

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures Ladies!! You both look great.

Kacey said...

I agree with Anonymous..good work!

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew
Tried to cancel for the 7:15 class coming to 5:30 instead but the system wouldn't let me

Dawson said...

Alison. The reason why the system wouldn't let you is because the site has a filter that doesn't allow muffins to change anything.

Anonymous said...

Dawson - why all the name calling? Are the steroids making you grumpy?

Dawson said...

Actually they are. You're giving me crappy ones. I figured you would have better sources. I guess I'm going to have to take my business elsewhere.

Andrew said...

Sandra 1751
Dawson 1844
Janet 1553
Dylan 1905
Kim 1750
Rory 1818
Olga 2126
Kuvvul 16:14
Beth 2332
Ali 1641
Kari 2023
Kacey 2131
Linds 1625
Jessi 1816
Erin 2053
Dave 1628 (rx'd)
Ginger 2121 (rx'd)