WOD Thursday April 23/09

(AM bootcamp taking their sandbag for a run)


3 rounds for time

1o Mutant Man Makers (135#/95#)
20 Sit Ups
30 KB Swings (54#/35#)
40 Squat Jumps



Crystal said...

Is it too early to call in sick for my workout?

Andrew said...

The sick excuse is overused ... please be more creative!

Sandra said...

how about it's raining outside- we can't run in the rain - we might melt!! :)

Pete said...

My personal favorite excuse- Oh man, I broke my toe and now will be unable to compete!! haha... priceless

Kacey said...

1K run?!?!? Man I bearly make it 400 m!! A new excuse hmmm how about "My doctor told me to stay home and not work out today. I'm suffering from the 24 minute flu. I have a upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, red rash, tiredness, and EXTREME gassiness. I'm sure I'll be better after the class is finished though."

Linds said...

Very sneaky changing the WOD halfway through the day!! Im very curious as to what exactly Mutant Man Makers are...guess i'll soon find out!