Today is Alix's "Champagne" Birthday so we will celebrate with a very special WOD!
"23 for 23"
Each exercise is to be completed for 23 reps. You can do them in any order you like. All 23 reps of an exercise have to be completed before you move onto the next.
Push up
Sit up
KB swing
DB thrusters
Pull ups
Walking lunge
Par. Pass throughs
Back ext
Double unders
Toes to Bar
Box jumps
Step ups
Wall Ball
Med ball cleans
Deadlift (135/95)
Push press (45/35)
Ring rows
Paralette. jumps
Turkish get ups
Happy Birthday, Alix! I have never, ever regretted giving birth to you 23 years ago .......until now! What a workout!
you didn't regret it after seeing the pic of alix moonlighting as a table dancer in TO!?
Well thank god that photo is taken from a flattering angle or else it might run the risk of being embarrassing.
I hope to see you tonight for this amazing looking wod :)
Happy Birthday Alix!!
Happy Birthday Alix . . .hahaha. . . your Birthday wod sucked!!!
there is a time limit sandra ... you were too busy swearing/having temper tantrums to notice it ;)
Time limit...thank f*ck, I thought Andrew lost his mind with this WOD.
To bad I won't be in today Burnie, I pulled my Cl!t at ball last night...lmao
Happy Birthday Alix !!
Wish you were here to " enjoy"
your b-day WOD with us !
There was no temper tantrum Andrew - I was encouraging myself through motivational feed back!!
I'm off to the cottage! rest, relax :)
Happy Birthday Alix!!! I hope you enjoy this WOD as much as everyone else.
Perry .. we all know that the "clit" is as fictional as unicorns and the loch ness monster.'re going to disappoint Andrew now.
He treats them like blow pops...lmao
Treats them like blow pops??? Hahaha. Just don't go a mile a minute right DVDA?
How many licks??
(This is Perry on Andrew's comp)
THAT is a hilarious picture Alix!! hahahaha--so freaking funny! HAPY BIRTHDAY!
CL*&$? Blow pops?! WTF!! Hahah---I do NOT want to know the rest of ANY OF THAT!
Thanks for the wishes, everyone!!! :) I'm shaking in my sneakers over this impending WOD. Hope you don't mind if I involuntarily add 23 reps of soiling myself...
andrew is there anyway I can change my 715 to the 530?? spot...didnt think id be back in town this early and would like to get it over with...sorry for the short notice
Awesome effort put forth by everyone today. Even by the owner himself. It's fun putting him through some pain for once. He's done it countless number of times to us.
Everyone put 110% into this one. Everyone is definitely my inspiration. I will take what I saw into my next wod (on Monday) and give it the 110% you all did. GREAT WORK!!!
Lovely wod that was :) My arms are still vibrating! I just wanted to say Thank you to Dawson for all you motivation and encouragement tonight during the wod, it really helps us push that much thank you.
that was not very fun ... i don't like crossfit
phewwwww that WOD was a killer...thanks alix for turning 23Im afraid to claim my age on my birthday now!!good work to everyone who suffered through it!!
Ellie 4804
Sandra 5952
Tanya 6000 (22+6)
Ngan 5924
Steph 5500 (13)
Mel 6000 (20)
Stella 4807
Perry 5654
Rory 4617
Andrew 4523
Harmer 5727
Peg 3740
Jessi 4308
Kacey 5207
Crystal 5549
Andy 5836
Serena 4853
Jess (tard) 4408
Ali P 5633
Beth 5538
"Birthday Girl" - ??????
That WOD was hard and ridiculous - amazing that everyone went hard until the very end. I have a feeling that birthday's are going to become very secretive around CFK.
Hell yeah.....the next person who spils the beans on when their's is and the age they will be WILL be hunted down and beaten to a pulp...and that will be my WOD of the day!!!
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