AMRAP in 10 min
5 Hand Stand Push Ups
5 Burpees
Run 100M
AMRAP in 10 min
5 Ring Dips
10 Ring Rows
15 Double unders
*Fridays 7:00AM Bootcamp, 8:00 and 12:15 classes will be run from fort henry hill* We will meet at the bottom of the hill at the visitor information booth PROMPTLY at 7, 8 and 1215!
Quiet day for the CrossFit Blog! Any comments on today's beautiful looking wod?
It's quiet on my front because this looks like a WOD I would like to do but I am forcing myself to take the rest of the week off. It's hard just chillin. I'll try to think of another stupid conversation starter like i did the other day.
Wow Andrew was soo pissed about that topic...too funny!
Todays wod harder then it looks!
new topic: Zone diet
I have been trying different recipes (baking) for the last little while and I got to tell ya most of the recipes do not turn out all that great.
Muffins especially - they tend to taste like sawdust!!!
Any one else had success or have recipes to share that are good.
I'm looking for snacks in particular, something you can grab and go.
cottage cheese mixd with some kind of fruit...LOVE LOVE LOVE it :)
Sandra... Applesauce is probably your best bet to make Zone baking less sawdusty. Is that even a word? If not, it is now. Applesauce will add the moisture without adding too many excess calories. Another thing you could try is grating an apple or pear. But I think applesauce will be your best bet.
Applesauce does seem to work the best. I found I have to add a fair amount - back to the oven!!! :)
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