"Dirty, Trashy, Filthy 25"
2 Rounds for time
25 Box Jump
25 Overhead Squat
25 KB Swings (12kg/16kg)
25 Burpees
25 Push Ups
25 Pull Ups
25 Sit Ups
25 Lunges
25 Push Press (45#)
25 DB Squat Cleans (20#/30#)
Please check the Calendar as Class times will be changing and additional classes are being added.
There will be a new 7-8AM class M/Tue/Thrus/Fri
M/Tue/Thurs evening classes will be as follows 5:15-6:15,6:15-7:15,7:15-8:15
Wed - 5:15-6:15,6:15-7:15
Fri 4:30-6:30 Open Gym time (If not an unlimited member this still counts as one of your classes on a 2X or 3X a week membership - There will still be a posted/structured WOD for those who wish to do one)
Nice! The female version of "Where's Waldo?". Where's Linds? Hahaha.
Looks like this may not be as painful as the regular Filthy 50. Good luck to all that are taking this on today.
Looks Like fun! Happy Birthday Lindsay!!!!
I hate to burst everyones bubble but this is much harder than the filthy fifty ... yikes ... I thought E was going to die at 8AM !
hahaha - I too am hoping this WOD isn't as hard as the filthy 50
then again I do on occasion succumb to naivety!!
I guess I should have looked at all of the exercise and just not assume that this was the Filthy 50. I take back my previous comment. This looks hard as hell.
I am scared to enter the gym today....but Happy Birthday Lindsay!! im sure Ill be puking up a nice present for you later on ahhahaa
Don't judge this one on my performance, I wasn't at the top of my game today. All of my usual 8am companions were AWOL today so, which made it seem much harder, misery loves company you know...judge for yourself! Happy Birthday Linds...
Thank you everyone for the Bday wishes..and also for being part of that 'special' bday wod!!!! Congrats to everyone just forshowing up today, that was a dirty, dirty wod and you all did amazing!!
That WOD sums up what CFK is all about.... MOFO INTENSITY!!
And cleanliness Pete ... It comes before intensity now, hahaha
Did Perry go and clean YOUR gym again?
actually jess did it this time Dawson, haha
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