WOD Thursday October 15/09

(Virtual Shovelling = Shit)


For Time

500M Row

50 Box Jump
75 Double Unders
100 Steps Walking Lunge

800 M Run


Sandra said...

Ummm... was I dreaming? thought todays WOD was wall balls?
not that I'm complaining about box jumps

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I could not be more happy that I do not have to smash the fuck out of my face on wall balls today. Yes!

Linds said...

Sandra why on earthhhhh would you dream about doing Karen!? I mean I enjoy most wod's ...a lot haha but wall ballss, really?!!

Perry it seems as though someone IS trying to steal my 'beautiful' thunder hahaha

Kacey said...
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Kacey said...

Well This WOD did look good until the word "Run" and "800m" was tossed in at the end!! Crap there goes my time!

Sandra said...

well Linds you know how much I love to do SQUATS - Wall Balls are my passion !!!

PW said...

Upon further investigation of this picture that originates from my birthday wod and particularly from the second part which was obviously virtual shovels.

I see that Jess and Linds aren't using the prescribed female weight...what gives Mr Burns???

Linds said...

Detective Perry .. the person who invented virtual shoveling, should be shot.

As for Rx'd weight..Maybe next years bday? haha

Andrew said...

Nevia 1918
Tom 1405
Sandra 1640
El 1609
Janet 2130
Sherri 2130
Kim 1627
Ngan 2315
Jenn 2024
Vic 2145
Heather 2012
Linds 1724
Mel 2500
Rory 1457
Perry 1606
Jessi L 1608
graham 1527
Kari Lyn 2121
Beth 2440
Serena 1657
Kim 2116
Kacey 2116
Jess M 1912
Karen 1727
Maria 2125
Kelly 1950

PW said...

Linds one word - puusssssyyyyyy

Linds said...

Perry...one word- Jerkfaceeeee