WOD Monday November 9/09


Squat Clean

For Time

800M run
40 Ground to Overhead (95#/65#)
40 Burpees
800M Run


Sandra said...

too bad I'll be missing this WOD - day off

Anonymous said...

Is that Harmer? That man is such a dedicated athlete, always reaching (ha! ha!) to achieve more!

Andrew said...

It isn't Harmer ... It's Tom!

PW said...

....and TOM is a machine!!!

Sandra said...

5:15 opening for Nov 10th

Andrew said...

Number in (brackets) is MAX Clean

Nevia 1959
Jon 2615
Dan 3012 (145)
Dawson 1916 (185)
Linds 2130 (105)
Corey 2401 (105)
Maria 3012 (65)
Graham 1716
Jenn 2531 (55)
Sarah 1754
Tom 1603 (155)
Britt 2138 (95)
Stella 1901 (75)
Jaime 2307 (100)
Emily 2121 (85)
Jeff 2501 (95)
Sammy 2145 (145)
Leah 1554
Kim 1618 (135)
Vic 2144 (165)
Mel 2434 (75)
Jessi 2210 (100)
Serena 2247 (65)
Rory 1739 (215)
Andrew 1537 (240)
Foisy 1857 (225)
Pete 1830 (205)
Skeggs 1653
Jess M 1910 (115)
Beth 2341 (75)
Tim 2236 (145)
erica 2027 (95)