WOD Thursday November 5/09

(We will PUMP you up!)


3 min max calories Rowed
3 min rest
3 min max rep Toes to Bar
3 min rest
3 min max rep Burpees
3 min rest
3 min max rep DB Hang Split Clean (30#/20#)


Sandra said...

Todays pic........
hahahaha love the muscles - handsome couple!

Thanks Dawson for for your encouragement this morn
I now officially can't move!!

jess the tard said...

hahahah love this picture " we wanna pump you uppp

also there is now a 515 spot available..sorry about the late notice we have no heat and need to stay put for the service man

Andrew said...

jess the tard you were not very popular tonight as you band you used for pistols was left up!!! resulting in the entire 515 class from yesterday having to do 20 BURPEES!!

jess the tard said...

omg!! jess the tard would like to apologize to my 515'rs and will promise to make up her share of burpees upon her next visit!!!

Andrew said...

Nevia 169
Sandra 99
Jamie 153
Erin 84
Tracie 128
K 113
Stella 146
Jenn 120
Vic 148
Linds 160
Jess 184
Rory 201
Karen 130
Serena 145
el 175
beth 137
Sarah 165
Laura 142
Mel 121
Crystal 132
Maria 125
Foisy 198