WOD Wednesday February 10/10

("Mitten" Box Jumps - apparently you don't break your fingers this way?)


8 Rounds for time

10 Burpees
15 Squat Jumps
20 Double Unders

*Rest 1 min between rounds*

*Reminder that CFK will be closed on Monday, February 15, 2010* (Family Day)*


Dawson said...

Post WOD fuel WOMEN:

Above 16% - 20g PRO; 10g CHO
12-16% - 20g PRO; 20g CHO
Below 12% - 20g PRO; 30g CHO

Post WOD fuel MEN:

Above 12% - 30g PRO; 10g CHO
8 - 12% - 30g PRO; 25g CHO
Below 8% - 30g PRO; 40g CHO

Eat a balanced PRO, CHO, FAT meal approx 1 hour after the post-WOD meal.

(PRO - protein; CHO - carbohydrate)

Jaime said...

LOVE the mittens Martha! The perfect solution! Where the heck was I that I missed this WOD?? hahaha

Julie said...

I agree with Jamie- you're so cute in your box jump mitts, Mar! We should all start wearing them (with the CFK logo, of course)... ;-)

Mar said...

hahaha, it's so true, protects the hands if you're foolish enough to injure them during box jumps.

PW said...

For box jumps, I thought you were going to join my ranks Martha...the "I smash Andrew" club :-)

Andrew said...

In order to physically "smash" someone PW you need to be within a few feet of them. That would mean you would have to actually come to the gym. lol

PW said...

No problem, I'll make up for lost time later today!!

Mike said...

This just in........double unders ruin your day.:(

Dawson said...

A year is a long time to make up for Perry!

Perry said...

I guess ehh D-Man, I'll take some of it out on you too....thanks for standing up for Andrew...lol

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