WOD Monday October 4/10

*Reminder that the order for the adidas weightlifting shoes is going in this AM so this is your last chance to email me if you want some*


Clean and Jerk 80% X 1 X 4
Squat 80% X 3 X 3

Part A

AMRAP in 8 min of 

200M Sprint
10 Toes to Bar

Part B

 4 sets

Pistols X 10
rest 30 sec
Jerk X 3 (@65%)
rest 30 sec

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Post WOD fuel WOMEN:

Above 16% - 30g PRO;10g CHO
12-16% - 30g PRO; 20g CHO
Below 12% - 30g PRO; 30g CHO

Post WOD fuel MEN:

Above 12% - 40g PRO; 10g CHO
8 - 12% - 40g PRO; 30g CHO
Below 8% - 40g PRO; 50g CHO

% = body fat

Eat a balanced PRO, CHO, FAT meal approx 1 hour after the post-WOD meal.

(PRO - protein; CHO - carbohydrate)

Examples of CHO @ ~10g:
little more than 1/2 cup apple sauce
approx 2 oz sweet potato