WOD Friday January 21/11

I think its 518 lbs but I can't remember ... If you see this man (which you likely won't in the gym as of late) ask him!


Choice Friday!

Due to Consistent Lateness at the 7AM class the door will now be locked at 7AM and if you aren't there you won't be able to train that day.
When you are late you are affecting the entire class. We frequently do a weightlifting specific warmup involving bars/instruction and when you arrive late you miss important info and you create safety issues as you try to weave through people to get a bar, etc ... The class then has to wait while you get caught up on what you have missed. At the end of the day it is about taking responsibility for your training and having some respect for those you train with. Thanks in advance!



Anonymous said...

It's never a choice!

Anonymous said...

Is that Adrian?

Matt said...

I can't see the video but I was there at the time. I think was either 507 or 517, likely 517.

Andrew said...

Apparently it was 520lbs .... according to Haird ... i question his integrity, haha

Matt said...

Just saw the video, I retract my comment. I thought it was his previous PR that he did at the old gym!

PW said...

No need to question the big mans integrity...I can verify that dl'd that 520 lbs, I was there believe it or not.

On another note if the CFK had a better camera we all might see the mammoth lift a little better.

Andrew said...

I am calling into question PW being there, hahaha ...

PW said...

You were still drinking that delicious "herbal tea" then, I think it messed with your power of recall...lol

Cody said...

Solid Lift!! Good Job!