2 Positon clean + jerk @ 65% X 5 sets

Pendlay Row 5X5

4 Rounds - 3 min running clock

Sprint 400M - AMRAP - Man Makers
                                       - Pull Ups

"Women Running Into Trouble"
When I look at the fat guy in the gym wasting his time on forearm curls to lose weight, I don’t feel sympathy. The big tough guy getting stapled to the bench by 365 pounds, when just a second ago he couldn’t even handle 315 pounds — nope, no sympathy there either. The girl who spends thirty minutes bouncing between the yes-no machines (abductor and adductor machines), who is going to have trouble walking the next day — I can’t muster even an iota of pathos. Nobody told them to do these things. But then I watch my friend, Jessica, running on the treadmill, day after day, year after year, running like a madwoman and going nowhere. Her body seems to get softer with every mile and the softer she gets the more she runs. I do feel pity for her because everybody, everywhere has convinced her that running is the way to stay slim and toned.
Read the rest of this article here


Unknown said...

I read this article yesterday and it is great! So many people these days don't realize the negative effects that running has on the body. But not all running is bad. The short sprints, or jogs for some of us *as my hand goes up*, we do at CFK are beneficial for the body. The hill runs at Fort Henry are beneficial for the body. The shuttle runs we do are beneficial for the body. You get my point?

I know a handful of people that like to run long distances after, or prior to going to CFK, thinking that it will help to shed fat. It has a catabolic effect on the body. BAD!!!

This article sort of goes hand-in-hand with an article by Dutch Lowy "More Is Not Better". (http://blackboxfw.com/2011/06/more-is-not-better)

Unless you are training for something specific, doing what you do at CFK, along with nutrition and rest, will transform your body in so many ways. Nothing else.

So take the time to read this article.

Unknown said...

Oh... and finally a pic of Glenna not puking! hahaha

Matt said...

I saw the article the other day from a different location. What hits me the most is how many studies and references are at the bottom.

Heather said...

As a former long distance runner and triathlete I'd say that what this article doesn't refer to is the fact that running a marathon (or whatever distance) is a challenge. It's not about how to be skinny, or how to transform my body. It was about can I actually run 26.2 miles. Same as others have a challenge of how much weight I can lift, or how many pull ups I can do. I fully agree that I was at my highest weight when I was doing Ironman races, but that's not what it was about. Now, I just want to be stronger and fitter, so I'm at Crossfit. If you're running for hours to lose weight - agree that's not going to do it. But, there are other reasons for pushing yourself to whatever your goal is. Just my two cents.

Serena said...

Well said Heather! While I agree that running can't be the sole component of a healthy lifestyle, it can be done for pure enjoyment or as Dawson indicated part of a workout.
The author made a lot of assumptions through out the article and didn't pay much attention to other potential detrimental factors such as a poor diet. Yes excessive running for the sole goal of losing weight is a not a good way to go... the same can be said for lifting excessively.

Andrew said...

wasn't the article about body transformation and fitness? not achieving goals?
The article doesn't say don't do marathons if your fitness goal is to become a successful marathon runner. It is stating that steady-state exercise in the form of running/treadmill/eliptical is a colossal waste of time and the average person has been duped into thinking this will help them achieve their fitness goals.
I think people are getting off topic and defensive in an attempt to validate their own enjoyment of running. If your goal is to lose body fat and "lean up" then running/steady-state cardio isn't going to help you achieve it.

Andrew said...

and by "achieving" goals I mean goals of becoming a marathon runner ...

Andrew said...

... the article never states that you should lift excessively? so not quite sure how that got added into the mix Serena ;)

Kate said...

I used to run 4-5 days a week for enjoyment and bc I wanted to get stronger and see more muscle definition and just become more fit. Or so I hoped.
However, all running did for me was ruin my knees to the point that I couldnt even attempt a 5 minute run without tremendous pain.
I've tried running. And I've tried weightlifting. And i agree with this article because I have by far less injuries overall and I am easily leaner and stronger now then I think I ever been
Just my two cents

Serena said...

Yes, as I said earlier his main point is sound ( thus the reason I attend crossfit instead of simply running). My point was that SOME of his statements in an attempt to prove his point are either over-simplified or SOMETIMES gross generalizations (i.e. “I do feel pity for her because everybody, everywhere has convinced her that running is the way to stay slim and toned.” )

My earlier comment of things being bad in excess is true whether its lifting, 20 hours of running (as the author mentioned), washing your car....even playing basketball lol! Not that you are defensive about lifting right
; ) haha

Andrew said...

basketball?!?! you are way to short to play basketball! hahaha. I'd imagine you play dirty like your idol John Stockton

Serena said...

LOL yep, elbows out on my screens : )

Sam Walsh said...

A little science on the subject, just skip to the results if you don't have much time

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