Saturday July 07/12

The day has finally come for CFK / Foundry Athletics athletes to demonstrate their physical and mental abilities. 3 events will be performed throughout the afternoon.

Athletes please show up around noon so you can get a good warm-up in. Event 1 will start at 12:30 sharp!

We welcome any and all spectators to come and cheer on your friends!

Here is what you missed:

Workout #1
45 second running clock
2 thrusters (thruster ladder)
With remaining time AMRAP burpees

Workout #2
8 minute running clock
1000m row
With remaining time
Prowler suicides (90#/50#) (70#/40#)

Workout #3
4 rounds (15 minute time limit)
400m run
10 squats (185#/115#) (135#/85#)
20 sit-ups
40 double unders (120 singles)

It was a great turn out! Thank you to all the volunteers that helped out today! This thing couldn't have run as smoothly as it did without you. Peg, Jules, Graham, Jamie, Judi, Emma, Pete, Kara, Carol, Beth, and George. I hope I didn't forget anyone. And a huge congrats to all the athletes. You all pushed to the limits and beyond today!!! Be proud of yourselves and your accomplishments!

And a thank you to Mr. Burns for allowing us to use the facility for the event.

1 comment:

Peg said...

What a fabulous day!! Congratulations to all the athletes for spectacular performances and to Jess and Dawson for pulling this off!