WOD Wednesday September 30/09

(Pete finishing a close 2nd at 21 sec ... Tom (not pictured took the title at 19sec!)


5 Rounds for time

200M Sprint
25 Jumping pull ups
200M Sprint
25 Abmat Sit ups

Rest 2:00 min between rounds


Sandra said...

What!! no one has a comment about todays pic???
quiet crowd :)

Dawson said...

No. We were just waiting to see who the first suck.... ummmm... person would be to comment. Hahaha

Good job yesterday to all of you that lifted heavy and even got PR's!!! Wish I could have been there to see it and encourge. That's amazing! Keeping going guys and gals!

Andrew said...

Em 2546
El 2552
Andrew 2156
Foisy 2341
Laura 2505
Linds 2420
Vic 2311
Jamie M 2841
Rory 2130
Perry 2222
Jess 2359
Harmer 2150
Kirsten 2142
Tim 2202
Ty 2301
Graham 2045
Beth 2902
Caity 2636
Jess M 2658