WOD Monday October 5/09



Power Cleans (95#/65#)
Double Unders


Jessica M said...

there is a 5:15 spot open...this kid is sick as a dog and couldnt unregister....hope to be in tomorrow...good luck everyone happy monday!

Anonymous said...

This pic shows that GIRLS RULE!!!!

Andrew said...

Nevia 1351 (35)
Dan 2255 (65)
Ellie 1530 (65 rx'd)
Foisy 1245 (rx'd)
Mel 1232 (35)
Jamie 1255 (35)
Linds 1113 (rx'd)
Andrew 714 (rx'd)
Pete 848 (rx'd)
Rory 721 (rx'd)
Sherri 1229 (65)
Karen 1229 (rx'd)
Evan 1225 (rx'd)
Kira 1256 (rx'd)
Crystal 1154 (rx'd)
Sarah 838 (65)
Andy 1237
Perry 1616 (rx'd)
Jessi 1048 (rx'd)