WOD Tuesday August 31/10

(Vicki with her massive 48.5" Tire jump!)


Power Snatch X 1 X 3 @ 80%

Power Clean + Power Jerk X 1 X 3 @ 80%

AMRAP in 12 min

5 Power Cleans (155#/105#)
12 Pistols (Alternating Legs)


Matt said...

Awesome jump Vicky!

Serena said...

Unreal! Nice work Vic!

PW said...

Did she change in a phone booth before this??

Sarah said...

Wow. Im so jealous.

Beth said...

omg Vic - you're awesome - great effort!!

Unknown said...

Ummm... Mediocre at best.

Hahahaha. Great job Vicki!!!

Anonymous said...


Ellie said...

Holy crap, I'm with Perry, she's gotta be a super hero. Nice jump Vicki!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the support everyone!!! CROSSFIT TOTALLY ROCKS!!!! :)

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